Erin Meger
Graph Theory
I study games on graphs, most frequently Cops and Robbers. My masters thesis defined a new variant of the game, Cops, Robbers, and Barricades. Lately, I have been studying variants of the game, including exploring the capture time of a graph. When I'm not playing games, I also model networks both graphs and hypergraphs. My PhD thesis defined multiple deterministic models of complex networks. My research relies heavily on graph structures, including extremal and saturation type problems.
Currently, I am on a hypergraph kick and enjoy redefining any problem from a hypergraph perspective. I'm usually interested in most graph theory problems I hear, so please come chat with me anytime!
Cox, D., Meger, E., & Messinger, M. E. (2021). Eternal k-domination on graphs. arXiv preprint arXiv:2104.03835.
Devlin, P., Meger, E., Raz, A., & Participants, P. R. (2021+). The Explorer-Director Game on Graphs. arXiv preprint arXiv:2104.09451.
Devlin, P., Kepner, J., Luo, A., & Meger, E. (2021). Hybrid Power-Law Models of Network Traffic. IEEE IPDSPW Graphs Architectures Programming and Learning arXiv:2103.15928.
A. Bonato, E. Meger, Iterated Global Models for Complex Networks, Accepted: Workshop on the Web Graph, WAW 2020 (2020)
A. Bonato, H. Chuangpishit, S. English, B. Kay, E. Meger, Iterated Local Model for Social Networks, Accepted: Discrete Applied Math, to appear (2020)
Iterated Models for Social Networks
UQAM Combinatorics Seminar, April 2020​
​JMM 2020, GRWC Special Session
University of California San Diego, March 2020
JMM 2020, Extremal and Probabilistic Graph Theory
Midsummer Combinatorics Workshop, Prague, August 2019
US Naval Academy, November 2019​
SIAM DM 2016
Iterated Local Model for Social Networks​​
University of Vermont, November 2019​
CUNY Grad Center, November 2019
University of Denver, October 2019
CU Denver, October 2019
University of Waterloo, March 2019
Ryerson University, April 2019